Finally! A post in 2018! Well, nothing too new, just getting a chance to post to blogspot. I actually completed this a few months ago. The color version to this Metroid Battle piece I started a while back. Can't believe it's 2018. Looking forward to it though, hoping to get a lot done.
I know I've been saying this but "SPRINTERZ" #1 is on it's way! We're well through the winter track session with the spring session rolling around the way soon. I got another book "PROJECT" in the works and I can't wait to present it some time this year. I've been working on it little by little. It feels like I've been working on it for 54 years and I'm no where near 50.
Friday, February 9, 2018
Friday, November 3, 2017
Awaiting the Prince
It's been some time since I've blogged some work here. Got around to digitally color this drawing of Kaileena Empress of Time from Prince of Persia 2: Warrior Within. The Dahaka in the back ground surveying as well, ready to give chase for our Prince. Such a classic this was when it was released.
I've been working on the next "Sprinterz" story which is soon to be released on the Sprinterz Studio website. Just in time for winter track too. Be sure to follow me on Instagram at sprinterz_studio since I update more frequently there.
Friday, April 3, 2015
So I Started working on this drawing a few months ago link. The end result is a little different from what I originally imagined but regardless I love the outcome. Was working on a few TMNT drawings actually, Slash being one of my favorite villains from the series. I always thought that doppelgangers made very interesting villainous characters.
If you haven't already, be sure to check out the intro to Sprinterz Studio's 10 page Mini Web Comic Series "SPRINTERZ" at the Sprinterz Studio website. "SPRINTERZ" is about a young rookie sprinter named "Sprintz" who aims to join and compete in the Sprinterz League, a new athletic organization for Super Sprinters. Check it out!
If you haven't already, be sure to check out the intro to Sprinterz Studio's 10 page Mini Web Comic Series "SPRINTERZ" at the Sprinterz Studio website. "SPRINTERZ" is about a young rookie sprinter named "Sprintz" who aims to join and compete in the Sprinterz League, a new athletic organization for Super Sprinters. Check it out!
Friday, March 27, 2015
SPRINTERZ: The Mini-Comic Series
It's finally here, my pride and joy. The first part of many to Sprinterz Studio's 10 page mini-comic series starring "Sprintz" Sprinterz Studio's mascot character.
"SPRINTERZ" tells the story of the young rookie sprinter "Sprintz" who dreams to join and compete in the Sprinterz League; a growing new sports organization designated for extraordinary sprinters/runners. You can view the story at on the comics page. Yes, the site is up and running on track again, punt intended.
I had been meaning to put this out for a long long time. I remember when I first came up with the idea. It was a means to express my love for running and sprinting through art and story telling, my first passion in life. Some of the stories are inspired through my experiences as a sprinter back when I competed in school. As an artist, I still wish I could compete since I feel I never reached my personal best. Although I do still run time to time to keep in shape and keep some of my skills intact.
"SPRINTERZ" tells the story of the young rookie sprinter "Sprintz" who dreams to join and compete in the Sprinterz League; a growing new sports organization designated for extraordinary sprinters/runners. You can view the story at on the comics page. Yes, the site is up and running on track again, punt intended.
I had been meaning to put this out for a long long time. I remember when I first came up with the idea. It was a means to express my love for running and sprinting through art and story telling, my first passion in life. Some of the stories are inspired through my experiences as a sprinter back when I competed in school. As an artist, I still wish I could compete since I feel I never reached my personal best. Although I do still run time to time to keep in shape and keep some of my skills intact.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Link vs. The Moldarch
I did this drawing a while back when The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was released. It was a really good game, but I can never complain about any of the Zelda franchise, its just such a good game, a hit every time. I can't wait for the next one to release from which I hear will be sometime late this year. So this is a drawing of one of my favorite scenes from the game, Link vs. The Moldarch.
In other Sprinterz Studio works, I will be releasing the first part of the "SPRINTERZ" mini-comic series very very soon. This will also mark the relaunch of the Sprinterz Studio website. I'm very excited about this, I've been meaning to put this out for some time, and now I get to see it complete. This will also mark the start of other book projects I've been meaning to push out which is also in the works.
Friday, January 2, 2015
Happy 2015!!!
Happy New Year Everyone! Happy 2015! I'm very excited on what the year will bring, this will be an eventful and productive year indeed. Sprinting forward towards the future which was build off of momentum from the busy last few months of last year. Looking forward to what Sprinterz Studio will produce this year cause we're moving ahead.
This drawing is actually taken out of a panel of the first issue of the "SPRINTERZ" mini-comic series. I've been going back and forth on the best way to put this story out on the Sprinterz Studio website which should be up and running sometime next month. So far I've decided to break the story down to a 10 page issue which is much shorter than I originally had planned, but I feel it best suits of what one may call a mini-comic series. The first issue will give a small glimpse in the world of "Sprintz" the main character and mascot of Sprinterz Studio. "SPRINTERZ" the mini-comic series is about Sprintz, a super fast kid who joins a league of sprinters who are super fast athletes.
Friday, November 14, 2014
A Flashback in Time
Pulling out another drawing I did from before my blog hiatus. Had to scan it through and clean it up a bit but here it is, a scene from a very epic game "Turtles In Time". I'm sure this game is a huge favorite to many out there from back in the day. I had recently played the "Re-Shelled" version from Ubisoft and I must admit I did enjoy it regardless of how many may think it's a downgrade from the original. The SNES version is the better one by far compared to it's original arcade version due to increase of stage levels and additional enemies from the series. But in my opinion, the re-shelled version with it's revamped graphics and soundtracks just simply becomes a game of it's own. Is it better than the original or the SNES version? I wouldn't say it is, but regardless I did enjoy playing it and seeing how Ubisoft took an old classic favorite and polished it with today's tech.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Metallic Kick!!!
The character is just so interesting and just so cool to me. I loved fighting against him in "Turtles in Time" one of my favorite boss fights, supposedly possessing all of the ninjutsu moves of the turtles with advance robotic tech. Although the 2003 version of the Ninja Turtles didn't re-introduce Metalhead, they did design some kind of Turtle-bot that even posses all of the Turtles weapons.
You have other interesting characters that portray this kind of thing like Metal Sonic and even Mecha Naruto. I mean imagine having a robotic version of yourself. What would it look like? What would it do? Maybe one day I'll create a Mecha/Robo "Sprintz".
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Just Slashing Through...
Yes! I am a fan of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I mean, who isn't? I've seen most of their shows, movies including the latest one which I kind of have mixed feelings about. Played most of their games, and currently reading their recent graphic novels published by IDW. A really good read by the way for fans, I feel it has a great combination of the original story and the 80's animation series. A sense of nostalgia with a new twist. This is a drawing I did awhile back that I am resurfacing, I have a lot of drawings that I been meaning to bring to the surface if time allows. I'll eventually come around to adding color to this. Slash: The Evil Turtle from Dimension X.
In other works, still pushing through with the "SPRINTERZ" mini series story of issue #0. As I said before, time just isn't on my best side but I am picking up some momentum. I'm loving every bit of piecing this story together, and honestly it's only scratching the surface of what's to come from Sprinterz Studios.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
School's Adventures Issue Cover#2
Finally got to the color version of this cover art for School's Adventures. Not that these are real covers to actual books but I do like drawing these characters from time to time. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, School's Adventures is a series I put together back when I was in grade school inspired by the school I attended at that time and some of my good close friends then. The stories were about things that happened to us in school at those times, along with a few made up stories. Each story was a mini-comic of just a few pages, somewhere between six to twelve pages I believe. I think one of these days I will re-launch the series as something new just for fun. Who knows, maybe it will turn into something really interesting towards the viewers out there.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Another Oldies School's Adventures Cover
I had actually did this awhile back right before things got crazy busy and I drifted into a hiatus status here. This work features some of the female characters from my School's Adventures series. I still enjoy drawing these characters from this series once in awhile, while listening to oldie pop music from the 80's and 90's. The story from here is your typical comical when a hot new kid comes into the school and steals all the attention of the female characters making all the guy characters jealous. I know theres' an episode like this from "Saved by the Bell" which is my inspiration for this. It is only the main female character who wins the new guy's attention, but is this guy as great as he appears?
Friday, July 18, 2014
Progress: Making Some Tracks
Making some tracks on the "Sprinterz" mini comic series issue #0. The expected launch is this fall just in time for track season. The mini series will consists about 15 pages per story for Sprinterz Studio Mascot "Sprintz". Here in these panels Sprintz encounters a troubled scene while on a run.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Heading Back on Track
Wow! It's been nearly 2 years since I've been able to update on here. Unfortunately certain priorities needed my attention and had to be checked, although I must admit there were a few minor distractions in speeding up the process but I am getting back on track. It's time to get those running shoes on, warm-up and get this race STARTED!
So...what have I been up to with Sprinterz Studio? For starters Sprinterz is currently down and will remain so until further notice. My plan is to relaunch the site when the launch of Sprinterz Studio's original mini-series story "SPRINTERZ" is launched. "SPRINTERZ" is based on Sprinterz Studio's mascot "Sprintz" a young super sprinter who joins and competes in a league of Super Sprinters. The story is set to launch sometime this fall, that's right folks "this fall". Other book projects are also in the works and won't be revealed until sometime near the end of the year. Here is a little bit of a warm up drawing of my man Sprintz on Kraft paper to get things going.
Friday, June 22, 2012
School's Adventures Cover #1
Got to color in one of my Oldies Ideas drawings from back in the day. I've never truly seen these characters in color before, so this is a first for me, I'm kind of taken back because here they are really coming to life. These drawings always bring a feeling of nostalgia, hanging out with friends in the late 80's and early 90's. How simple times seem then, and the music, man I gotta love the music from those days.
School's Adventures was a comic series I created in those days inspired by shows like "Saved by the Bell", "The Wonder Years", and movies like "The Breakfast Club". A dedication to friends of mine who took part of this special project from then, my 195 crew, you know who you are. This is to you guys, thanks for inspiring me.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Sharper Still...
Was away for a little bit, took a well needed vacay, but I'm back, now onto the artwork. I actually did finish coloring this Metalman drawing before I left but didn't get the chance to post it. But anyway, here it is, Metalman from Megaman 2.
Friday, May 25, 2012
This Dude is Pretty Sharp...
I'm catching up on a lot of drawings I started awhile back. I had to draw a piece of Metalman, one of my favorite robot master from
one of my favorite Megaman titles: Megaman 2. This game has such an awesome soundtrack and is a complete classic from the 8bit games. I have such fond memories playing this when I was a kid back then. Wait...I still play this on occasion, on my Xperia
Play Phone. Who would of thought years ago you'd be able to play Megaman
2 on your phone. Go figure.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Just in Time...for Another Blog Post!
Some more drawings I finally got around to inking this month. Prince of Persia 2: Warrior Within, I have to say this was one of the most epic games I've ever played back when I actually had time to play. These days my days are spend working...building Sprinterz Studio...I need a vacation. Anyway, the most intense part of the game was the Dahaka, this mysterious overwhelming creature in the background. He would warp out from no where and chase you down. No, you could not battle him because he had no weakness, there was no fighting back. When you see him, just RUN! And if he caught you, he erases you from existence-GAME OVER! And then you have the Empress of Time to the right, the one who sent the Dahaka to destroy you, in the front, the main character/The Prince of Persia.
Yes, just in time. I always imagined the Empress of Time watching the Prince in a crystal ball or something. Plotting to hunt him down, then finally sends the Dahaka to hunt him. She wishes the Prince to be destroyed because of his tempering of time from the previous game. The Prince manipulates time using the dagger of time. In the previous game he used it to save two kingdoms. The Empress also sees into the future that one day she will be killed by the Prince, another reason to have him destroyed. Empress of Time: Come my prince, destiny awaits you.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Mother Brain Knock You Out!
Having a chance to post drawings I did months ago. I always wanted to do epic video game battles and scenes. Here's a memorial one from the Super Nintendo days. The epic final battle between Mother Brain and Samus from Metroid 3. I remember playing this on hot summer days in 95'. Good times.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Painting Prayer for Haiti
A painting I have been working on for TCHF, The Children Heritage Fund, an organization that is working to bring education to Haitian Children in Haiti. The painting was done in acrylic on a 18x24 wood canvas, and will be used to raise funds to aid the educational program that TCHF is running in Haiti. For more info on TCHF, you can visit their website here
Saturday, March 3, 2012
From Oldies Ideas to 2012: New School's Adventures Cover

So this is another Oldies Ideas piece that I was in the mood to do from my School's Adventures series. Ideas for comics I did when I was a kid that I've grown from. A cover featuring some of the main characters.
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