School's Adventures was a journal based comic about events that took place between friends and I in grade school. The idea was to find ways to make school fun. I even made a few short stories to keep things interesting along with some of the crazy things that went on back then.
Idealistically, School's Adventures is suppose to have an 80's and early 90's feel to it. Things that inspired me for this at the time were movies like "The Breakfast Club", "Better off Dead", "Three O'clock High" and shows like "The Wonder Years" with Fred Savage and "Saved By The Bell", along with a lot of 80's music. These are old, I wonder if anyone knows or remember these.
The comic was drawn in a composition notebook I always carried around at school hence the reason for a composition cover here. This book was especially special to me because it held a lot of good times, fun, nostalgic memories.
Ain't nothing like the old school. You were the coolest Artist I've ever come to know. "School's Adventures" was the bomb. Thank you for this post. Hope your doing well my friend!