Friday, November 14, 2014

A Flashback in Time

Pulling out another drawing I did from before my blog hiatus. Had to scan it through and clean it up a bit but here it is, a scene from a very epic game "Turtles In Time". I'm sure this game is a huge favorite to many out there from back in the day. I had recently played the "Re-Shelled" version from Ubisoft and I must admit I did enjoy it regardless of how many may think it's a downgrade from the original. The SNES version is the better one by far compared to it's original arcade version due to increase of stage levels and additional enemies from the series. But in my opinion, the re-shelled version with it's revamped graphics and soundtracks just simply becomes a game of it's own. Is it better than the original or the SNES version? I wouldn't say it is, but regardless I did enjoy playing it and seeing how Ubisoft took an old classic favorite and polished it with today's tech. 

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