Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy 2015!!!

Happy New Year Everyone! Happy 2015! I'm very excited on what the year will bring, this will be an eventful and productive year indeed. Sprinting forward towards the future which was build off of momentum from the busy last few months of last year. Looking forward to what Sprinterz Studio will produce this year cause we're moving ahead. 

This drawing is actually taken out of a panel of the first issue of the "SPRINTERZ" mini-comic series. I've been going back and forth on the best way to put this story out on the Sprinterz Studio website which should be up and running sometime next month. So far I've decided to break the story down to a 10 page issue which is much shorter than I originally had planned, but I feel it best suits of what one may call a mini-comic series. The first issue will give a small glimpse in the world of "Sprintz" the main character and mascot of  Sprinterz Studio. "SPRINTERZ" the mini-comic series is about Sprintz, a super fast kid who joins a league of sprinters who are super fast athletes.

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