Friday, April 3, 2015


So I Started working on this drawing a few months ago link. The end result is a little different from what I originally imagined but regardless I love the outcome. Was working on a few TMNT drawings actually, Slash being one of my favorite villains from the series. I always thought that doppelgangers made very interesting villainous characters.

If you haven't already, be sure to check out the intro to Sprinterz Studio's 10 page Mini Web Comic Series "SPRINTERZ" at the Sprinterz Studio website. "SPRINTERZ" is about a young rookie sprinter named "Sprintz" who aims to join and compete in the Sprinterz League, a new athletic organization for Super Sprinters. Check it out!

Friday, March 27, 2015

SPRINTERZ: The Mini-Comic Series

It's finally here, my pride and joy. The first part of many to Sprinterz Studio's 10 page mini-comic series starring "SprintzSprinterz Studio's mascot character

"SPRINTERZ" tells the story of the young rookie sprinter "Sprintzwho dreams to join and compete in the Sprinterz League; a growing new sports organization designated for extraordinary sprinters/runners. You can view the story at on the comics page. Yes, the site is up and running on track again, punt intended. 

I had been meaning to put this out for a long long time. I remember when I first came up with the idea. It was a means to express my love for running and sprinting through art and story telling, my first passion in life. Some of the stories are inspired through my experiences as a sprinter back when I competed in school. As an artist, I still wish I could compete since I feel I never reached my personal best. Although I do still run time to time to keep in shape and keep some of my skills intact.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Link vs. The Moldarch

I did this drawing a while back when The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was released. It was a really good game, but I can never complain about any of the Zelda franchise, its just such a good game, a hit every time. I can't wait for the next one to release from which I hear will be sometime late this year. So this is a drawing of one of my favorite scenes from the game, Link vs. The Moldarch. 

In other Sprinterz Studio works, I will be releasing the first part of the "SPRINTERZ" mini-comic series very very soon. This will also mark the relaunch of the Sprinterz Studio website. I'm very excited about this, I've been meaning to put this out for some time, and now I get to see it complete. This will also mark the start of other book projects I've been meaning to push out which is also in the works.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy 2015!!!

Happy New Year Everyone! Happy 2015! I'm very excited on what the year will bring, this will be an eventful and productive year indeed. Sprinting forward towards the future which was build off of momentum from the busy last few months of last year. Looking forward to what Sprinterz Studio will produce this year cause we're moving ahead. 

This drawing is actually taken out of a panel of the first issue of the "SPRINTERZ" mini-comic series. I've been going back and forth on the best way to put this story out on the Sprinterz Studio website which should be up and running sometime next month. So far I've decided to break the story down to a 10 page issue which is much shorter than I originally had planned, but I feel it best suits of what one may call a mini-comic series. The first issue will give a small glimpse in the world of "Sprintz" the main character and mascot of  Sprinterz Studio. "SPRINTERZ" the mini-comic series is about Sprintz, a super fast kid who joins a league of sprinters who are super fast athletes.