Friday, November 14, 2014

A Flashback in Time

Pulling out another drawing I did from before my blog hiatus. Had to scan it through and clean it up a bit but here it is, a scene from a very epic game "Turtles In Time". I'm sure this game is a huge favorite to many out there from back in the day. I had recently played the "Re-Shelled" version from Ubisoft and I must admit I did enjoy it regardless of how many may think it's a downgrade from the original. The SNES version is the better one by far compared to it's original arcade version due to increase of stage levels and additional enemies from the series. But in my opinion, the re-shelled version with it's revamped graphics and soundtracks just simply becomes a game of it's own. Is it better than the original or the SNES version? I wouldn't say it is, but regardless I did enjoy playing it and seeing how Ubisoft took an old classic favorite and polished it with today's tech. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Metallic Kick!!!

I often have found interesting that in some stories/comics that there is a robotic version of the hero. It's like having an evil twin or doppelganger that I also find very fascinating, hence my drawing of "Slash" from my previous blog post. That's why I just had to draw "Metalhead" from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. 
The character is just so interesting and just so cool to me. I loved fighting against him in "Turtles in Time" one of my favorite boss fights, supposedly possessing all of the ninjutsu moves of the turtles with advance robotic tech. Although the 2003 version of the Ninja Turtles didn't re-introduce Metalhead, they did design some kind of Turtle-bot that even posses all of the Turtles weapons. 
You have other interesting characters that portray this kind of thing like Metal Sonic and even Mecha Naruto. I mean imagine having a robotic version of yourself. What would it look like? What would it do? Maybe one day I'll create a Mecha/Robo "Sprintz".

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Just Slashing Through...

Yes! I am a fan of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I mean, who isn't? I've seen most of their shows, movies including the latest one which I kind of have mixed feelings about. Played most of their games, and currently reading their recent graphic novels published by IDW. A really good read by the way for fans, I feel it has a great combination of the original story and the 80's animation series. A sense of nostalgia with a new twist. This is a drawing I did awhile back that I am resurfacing, I have a lot of drawings that I been meaning to bring to the surface if time allows. I'll eventually come around to adding color to this. Slash: The Evil Turtle from Dimension X.

In other works, still pushing through with the "SPRINTERZ" mini series story of issue #0. As I said before, time just isn't on my best side but I am picking up some momentum. I'm loving every bit of piecing this story together, and honestly it's only scratching the surface of what's to come from Sprinterz Studios.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

School's Adventures Issue Cover#2

Finally got to the color version of this cover art for School's Adventures. Not that these are real covers to actual books but I do like drawing these characters from time to time. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, School's Adventures is a series I put together back when I was in grade school inspired by the school I attended at that time and some of my good close friends then. The stories were about things that happened to us in school at those times, along with a few made up stories. Each story was a mini-comic of just a few pages, somewhere between six to twelve pages I believe. I think one of these days I will re-launch the series as something new just for fun. Who knows, maybe it will turn into something really interesting towards the viewers out there.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Another Oldies School's Adventures Cover

I had actually did this awhile back right before things got crazy busy and I drifted into a hiatus status here.  This work features some of the female characters from my School's Adventures series. I still enjoy drawing these characters from this series once in awhile, while listening to oldie pop music from the 80's and 90's. The story from here is your typical comical when a hot new kid comes into the school and steals all the attention of the female characters making all the guy characters jealous. I know theres' an episode like this from "Saved by the Bell" which is my inspiration for this. It is only the main female character who wins the new guy's attention, but is this guy as great as he appears?

Friday, July 18, 2014

Progress: Making Some Tracks

Making some tracks on the "Sprinterz" mini comic series issue #0. The expected launch is this fall just in time for track season. The mini series will consists about 15 pages per story for Sprinterz Studio Mascot "Sprintz". Here in these panels Sprintz encounters a troubled scene while on a run.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Heading Back on Track

Wow! It's been nearly 2 years since I've been able to update on here. Unfortunately certain priorities needed my attention and had to be checked, although I must admit there were a few minor distractions in speeding up the process but I am getting back on track.  It's time to get those running shoes on, warm-up and get this race STARTED!
So...what have I been up to with Sprinterz Studio? For starters Sprinterz is currently down and will remain so until further notice. My plan is to relaunch the site when the launch of Sprinterz Studio's original mini-series story "SPRINTERZ" is launched. "SPRINTERZ" is based on Sprinterz Studio's mascot "Sprintz" a young super sprinter who joins and competes in a league of Super Sprinters. The story is set to launch sometime this fall, that's right folks "this fall". Other book projects are also in the works and won't be revealed until sometime near the end of the year. Here is a little bit of a warm up drawing of my man Sprintz on Kraft paper to get things going.