Another T-shirt design for Love and Water Designsfeatured Charity Smile Train for this month. Love and Water Designs is an organization that connect with artist to design shirt designs for charities. Designs are then voted on, and the winner gets their design made on a shirt to sell where half the profits go to the charity. Smile Train is the featured charity this month. For those who don't know Smile Train is a charity that focuses on helping children with cleft lip and palate.
This design actually was born out of the last design I did. Sometimes that happens, one idea gives birth to another. You can VOTE TODAY for this design here link and on my first design here link JOIN the cause and VOTE TODAY!
A T-Shirt Design I did for Love and Water Designs, an online community that creates wearable philanthropy by connecting artist with charities through T-shirt design projects. This design is my way of promoting positive change.
My design is for the charity Smile Train, a charity that focus on solving the problem of cleft lip and palate. You can learn more about Smile Train on their site For all you artist out there, please feel free to join the cause by submitting a design, half the profits of your design will go to the charity and the other half to you. For more info on Love and Water Designs please visit their site
Another Oldies Ideas from my youth. About the last idea for a comic I came up with when I was young. This was a personal, fun project with a cartoon style I put together at school. School's Adventures was a journal based comic about events that took place between friends and I in grade school. The idea was to find ways to make school fun. I even made a few short stories to keep things interesting along with some of the crazy things that went on back then. Idealistically, School's Adventures is suppose to have an 80's and early 90's feel to it. Things that inspired me for this at the time were movies like "The Breakfast Club", "Better off Dead", "Three O'clock High" and shows like "The Wonder Years" with Fred Savage and "Saved By The Bell", along with a lot of 80's music. These are old, I wonder if anyone knows or remember these. The comic was drawn in a composition notebook I always carried around at school hence the reason for a composition cover here. This book was especially special to me because it held a lot of good times, fun, nostalgic memories.