So for some time now I've been working on a side project for a "Sprinterz" Web Comic Series. Still working on it along with other projects but here is some of the work I started with when I began. Some Character designs and Turnarounds of some of the characters from the series. Also visit the website for other updates of new work.
Hey! It's another win for Sprinterz Studio at the Love and Water designs Monthly Charity T-shirt design contest.This design is for the Rootz Rising contest in the name of Backpack Farms, an charity trying to prevent child malnutrition in East Africa by teaching them how to grow school gardens. The design will be printed on high quality t-shirts where they will be sold & half the profits will go to the organization. Thanks everyone for the support and vote! Looking forward to the next one. Pay a visit to the site and check it out link
The work I entered into Udon's Megaman Tribute Contest. This piece is from the Megaman X5 Series. The Shiver saluting his fallen Air Force Mavericks Storm Owl and Storm Eagle.
Wild Jango is from Megaman X Command Mission. I loved the characters from the game and I loved the storyline, I just hated the game because it was an RPG. I loved this character because I thought it was funny how he always started a sentence with, YOWRRR!
New t-shirt design for Love and Water designs special charity contest in the name of 1000 Prayers for Japan, an organization raising funds to aid Japan in response to the earthquake and tsunami incident. More information on the organization is here.--->LINK You can also support the cause with a vote on my design. Winning design gets donated to the charity to sell on t-shirts to raise funds for Japan. Cast a vote today--->VOTE
Another new t-shirt design for Love and Water designs monthly t-shirt design charity contest. This month my design is for the organization Rootz Rising, an organization preventing child malnutrition in Africa by building school gardens. You can visit this link to find out more about Rootz Rising. Support the cause and cast a vote for my design. --->VOTE
I had actually did this late last year but never thought to post it til now. This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the franchise. Legend of Zelda is my all time favorite video game, we're talking about a game that paved the way for many video games. This is my take on The Legend of Zelda: A link to the Past, which is also one of my favorite story from the series, great game play and work of story telling all in one.
This is my lasted t-shirt design for Love and Water design's monthly feature charity contest. Please take the time to cast a vote for my design here. The cause this month is for "The Possibility Project", a young group of diverse teenagers who get together to deal with a combination of issue-oriented discussions, trainings in diversity, conflict resolution, leadership and community activism. They also receive instruction in the full range of performing arts, and create scenes that they write, produces and perform as original musicals based on their lives and their ideas for change. In addition, they design and lead community action projects on issues of concern to them in order to take their creative vision for change into the world. Feel free to visit their site to learn more of them, link
My idea behind this is that I wanted to create something where the team of the Possibility Project can relate to. The figures in this piece represent the unknown generation youth revealing themselves to the community with their good deeds of service with theatrical flare.
I did this one as an updated one because I felt the first one might of been too busy for a t-shirt but the first one was chosen for the contest. Please cast your votes soon, the deadline is Thursday at noon. Thanks.
The logo I designed for "1000 Prayers for Japan" an organization using t-shirts to sell at Love and Water designs to raise money for Japan. Check out their site and help support Japan. LINK
Started working on this for Udon's Megaman Tribute Contest but didn't get around to finishing it to make the deadline. I did manage to submit 2 other pieces though.
This is Megaman X with the power upgrade to perform hadoukens. This was great, it took out robot masters with one hit.
Check Out the new Sprinterz Studio Shop! When I first designed the Sprinterz logo, I did it to express my love for track as an ex-sprinter and my love for the arts. I may not sprint anymore due to my dedication to the arts but I do try to keep up by still going out to run. I wanted to share my logo with other sprinters and all lovers of track runners and runners alike so they too can connect and represent their love for running and sprinting. So this is to them and all those who follow my art. Check out and grab a sprinterz tee today through the Sprinterz Studio website or on this link.
New T-shirt design for Love+Water designs. This month the design is made in the name of Camp Adventure, a fun-filled, sleep away camp program for children with cancer and their siblings. Support the cause and VOTE for Sprinterz Studio's design, the design will be printed on tees and sold where half of the profits will be donated to Camp Adventure and their cause. VOTE 4 Adventure Today! link
Something I did last year, figure I'd share it on the blog on this day. An illustration that tells of a action/romantic tale. This is something off of Disney's animation "Jake Long-American Dragon". I thought it was a bit interesting because of the romantic aspect of the story. It's your classic Batman vs. Catwoman romance.
Jake Long is a teenager who transforms into a dragon to protect the fantasy world from the Huts Clan. His love interest Rose is secretly a.k.a Huts Girl, member of the Huts Clan and a slayer of dragons. They eventually find out of each others secrete identities and their secrete lives conflict with their romantic relationship. Rose is especially conflicted because the Huts Clan is the only family she ever knew. When Jake discovers that the Huts Clan kidnapped Rose from her real family as an infant to join their clan, he makes a magic wish to prevent her from ever being kidnapped which resulted in them never meeting. Jake does find her again on the other side of the world later in the story. After convincing the new Rose that they once knew each other in a altered life. Jake and Rose team up to fight against the new villain of the series, an evil dragon.
It's never known if the two ever got back together, unless they did that long distance thing. Happy V-Day!
I WON! The design I created for Love+Water designs in the name of the Smile Train Charity has won. I just want to thank everyone for your support and votes, I am very proud of this. Sprinterz Studio, Love+Water designs, and Smile Train thanks you all.The design will now be printed and sold on T-shirts at Love+Water designs. 50% of the profits made will be donated to Smile Train to help support their cause to help children with cleft lip and palate. Support Smile Train, spread the joy of smiling with a smile tee shirt. Get one TODAY!Link
A quick look at my progress for Udon's Megaman Tribute Art Contest. I am so amped for this. This is my dream art contest finally realized. I have been a fan of Megaman since I was ten, an opportunity to express my love for the series and have it published, THANK YOU UDON! I had already submitted two pieces but Udon has extended the deadline to this Friday, so I'm trying to scramble to get two more pieces in. Wish me luck.
Another T-shirt design for Love and Water Designsfeatured Charity Smile Train for this month. Love and Water Designs is an organization that connect with artist to design shirt designs for charities. Designs are then voted on, and the winner gets their design made on a shirt to sell where half the profits go to the charity. Smile Train is the featured charity this month. For those who don't know Smile Train is a charity that focuses on helping children with cleft lip and palate.
This design actually was born out of the last design I did. Sometimes that happens, one idea gives birth to another. You can VOTE TODAY for this design here link and on my first design here link JOIN the cause and VOTE TODAY!
A T-Shirt Design I did for Love and Water Designs, an online community that creates wearable philanthropy by connecting artist with charities through T-shirt design projects. This design is my way of promoting positive change.
My design is for the charity Smile Train, a charity that focus on solving the problem of cleft lip and palate. You can learn more about Smile Train on their site For all you artist out there, please feel free to join the cause by submitting a design, half the profits of your design will go to the charity and the other half to you. For more info on Love and Water Designs please visit their site
Another Oldies Ideas from my youth. About the last idea for a comic I came up with when I was young. This was a personal, fun project with a cartoon style I put together at school. School's Adventures was a journal based comic about events that took place between friends and I in grade school. The idea was to find ways to make school fun. I even made a few short stories to keep things interesting along with some of the crazy things that went on back then. Idealistically, School's Adventures is suppose to have an 80's and early 90's feel to it. Things that inspired me for this at the time were movies like "The Breakfast Club", "Better off Dead", "Three O'clock High" and shows like "The Wonder Years" with Fred Savage and "Saved By The Bell", along with a lot of 80's music. These are old, I wonder if anyone knows or remember these. The comic was drawn in a composition notebook I always carried around at school hence the reason for a composition cover here. This book was especially special to me because it held a lot of good times, fun, nostalgic memories.