This is cover design from my mentor class for the story of Tancredi by Barbara Alberti.
There is a woman named Santina who had a son with two heads. When the boy was baptized the priest named him Tancredi. After many failed attempts of trying to kill him, she finally accepted his life.
Tancredi grew to form two different personalities. One was good, nice and kind to everyone, religious and obedient, the other was dark, evil, violent and disobedient. Dark Tancredi performed many bad deeds and they both would be punished for it. After many bad deeds of the Dark Tancredi, Good Tancredi lost his patience. Out of fear that they both shared the same soul, he feared his soul would be dammed to hell of the other's behavior. He thrusted his stomach with a pin to prevent immoral deeds.
Dark Tandredi became angry at the other one and he strangled him to death. After Dark Tancredi realized he had killed Good Tancredi, he cried for the first time and he regretted what he had done. But it was too late. One of Tancredi's death also meant his own death. For more on the story here is a link