Friday, June 6, 2014

Heading Back on Track

Wow! It's been nearly 2 years since I've been able to update on here. Unfortunately certain priorities needed my attention and had to be checked, although I must admit there were a few minor distractions in speeding up the process but I am getting back on track.  It's time to get those running shoes on, warm-up and get this race STARTED!
So...what have I been up to with Sprinterz Studio? For starters Sprinterz is currently down and will remain so until further notice. My plan is to relaunch the site when the launch of Sprinterz Studio's original mini-series story "SPRINTERZ" is launched. "SPRINTERZ" is based on Sprinterz Studio's mascot "Sprintz" a young super sprinter who joins and competes in a league of Super Sprinters. The story is set to launch sometime this fall, that's right folks "this fall". Other book projects are also in the works and won't be revealed until sometime near the end of the year. Here is a little bit of a warm up drawing of my man Sprintz on Kraft paper to get things going.