The work I entered into Udon's Megaman Tribute Contest. This piece is from the Megaman X5 Series. The Shiver saluting his fallen Air Force Mavericks Storm Owl and Storm Eagle.
Wild Jango is from Megaman X Command Mission. I loved the characters from the game and I loved the storyline, I just hated the game because it was an RPG. I loved this character because I thought it was funny how he always started a sentence with, YOWRRR!
New t-shirt design for Love and Water designs special charity contest in the name of 1000 Prayers for Japan, an organization raising funds to aid Japan in response to the earthquake and tsunami incident. More information on the organization is here.--->LINK You can also support the cause with a vote on my design. Winning design gets donated to the charity to sell on t-shirts to raise funds for Japan. Cast a vote today--->VOTE
Another new t-shirt design for Love and Water designs monthly t-shirt design charity contest. This month my design is for the organization Rootz Rising, an organization preventing child malnutrition in Africa by building school gardens. You can visit this link to find out more about Rootz Rising. Support the cause and cast a vote for my design. --->VOTE
I had actually did this late last year but never thought to post it til now. This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the franchise. Legend of Zelda is my all time favorite video game, we're talking about a game that paved the way for many video games. This is my take on The Legend of Zelda: A link to the Past, which is also one of my favorite story from the series, great game play and work of story telling all in one.