Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Odies Idesas 2: SPIKEMAN!

My second idea for a comic as a kid was Spikeman, 1989. Doing this drawing really brings it back. When I first started working on this, I started out just writing books with a few drawings. I had completed two books but then I thought, why am I writing books, this really should be a comic. I then completed 3 comics of Spikeman and even went so far to make copies with the help of my aunt and her copying machine to sell at my school. I remember making 10 dollars in 93' from selling those at 75 cents a piece. So Spikeman became a bit popular in grade school.

Spikeman is about a guy who gets struck by a powerful crystal that fell from the sky. The crystal then gives him super strength and he decides to use that strength to fight crime. He is then visited by an alien, who for some reason at the time I decided to call "The Alien" but for now I think I will call him Spitarnes. Spitarnes reveals that the crystal originated from his home world Planet Spikecon, a world made up of impenetrable razor sharp crystals that can cut through anything in the known universe. Spitarnes needs the crystal(Spikecon Crystal) back to prevent an evil alien race from getting to it. Unfortunately the Spikecon Crystal has the effect to be absorbed into Human DNA, so it can not be returned. Spitarness then realizes that it's best this way to prevent evil from getting to it. Spitarnes then goes on a journey with Spikeman to seek out four other pieces to the crystal across the universe. The four other pieces completes Spikeman's powers of strength, speed, energy, impenetrable armor, and ability to cut through anything. The duo is also aided by Solarflame, a being born out of the core of the sun.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Oldies Ideas: The Last Cops

Well it certainly has been very busy since my last update. So I'm glad to finally have something to show for right now.

A little back story to this drawing. I had stumbled upon some old drawings I did back when I was a kid. It was purely nostalgic to see old drawings and ideas I had as a kid for comic books. It was like seeing old friends I haven't seen in years. So I decided to do just a few new drawings of old ideas I had back then.

The Last Cops was the very first idea I had as a kid for a comic back in 1988. Yea it was THAT long ago, can you believe it. I was inspired to create this through an old animation called "COPS". An animation about police officers in the future. The Last Cops was about a city completely corrupt and over run with crime. The crime rate was so high that it griped the city with absolute fear, so much fear that no one even dared to become a police officer. So a scientist created a mutated shark to become the new police force. He accidental mutated a crab too so the crab and shark became partners. I don't remember their names from back then, so for now lets call them Officer Shark and Officer Shell. For some reason I remember making Officer Shark blind, not sure why I did that but it seemed cool at the time. Later on other animals were mutated to aide the police force. I can hardly remember what the other characters look like, just these two. Sadly I could not find the old comic I made of this.

Friday, June 4, 2010

For Haiti

A tee shirt design I did for Monmouth Worship Center, the church I attend where some of the members are going on mission trip to help Haiti. This was a great opportunity for me to use my skills to give back to my family's native land, so I was very proud to have that chance to give back what God has blessed me with. I was limited to use only two colors, red and white, so it was a little tricky to work with. The blue would be the color of the shirt. All together these colors make the colors of the Haitian flag. This first design will be on the front of the shirt.

And this was the design for the back of the shirt.

I later played around with this design to make it resemble the Haitian flag but this could not be used for the shirt for it'd be difficult to pull off.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Who wants one!?

Prototype prints of Sprinterz tee shirts and caps. An idea for the Sprinterz Studio Store I'm working on.
Front of the Sprinterz T-Shirt.

Back of the Sprinterz T-shirt.

Sprinterz Cap

Friday, March 26, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sprinterz Studio is Online!

Meet some of the characters of Sprinterz Studio. In the center is "Sprintz", as you all know he's the main mascot of Sprinterz Studio. Behind him is his fellow teammates, to his left is "Tracker". To his right in the shades is "Dash", and in the back is "Distance".

O.K! You guys been hearing me talk about it for years. Well I'm done talking. Sprinterz Studio is Here! Nuff said!